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Paper presented at the American Gas Association Operations Conference, May 7–9, 2000, Denver (2000)Ĭhen, M., Buscheck, T.A., Wagoner, J.L., Sun, Y., White, J.A., Chiaramonte, L., Aines, R.D.: Analysis of fault leakage from Leroy underground natural gas storage facility, Wyoming. Sci 35, 569–571 (1998)īruno, M., DeWolf, G., Foh, S.: Geomechanical analysis and decision analysis for delta pressure operations in gas storage reservoirs. 12, 155–64 (1941)īruno, M., Dusseault, M., Balaa, T., Barrera, J.A.: Geomechanical analysis of pressure limits for gas storage reservoirs. American Gas Association, Washington, DC (2014)īiot, M.A.: General theory of three dimensional consolidation. In the second, open boreholes intersecting two thin caprock units immediately above the reservoir allowed gas flow to a shallower unit, significantly impacting the modeled fracture gradient.ĪGA: Promise Delivered: Planning, Preparation and Performance During the 2013–2014 Winter Heating Season. In the first, field data were obtained from a deep borehole above the gas reservoir, which provided indirect observations of the geomechanical response of the caprock to pressure changes in the reservoir. The mechanical response of the caprock to increased storage pressure was modeled using FLAC3D, allowing assessment of the induced stresses in formations surrounding the reservoirs. The TOUGH2 model was calibrated to fit pressure data collected on-site, from both the reservoir and caprock. To solve this problem in an efficient manner, two-phase flow (TOUGH2) and geomechanical (FLAC3D) models were combined in series. This required an assessment of the potential for gas transport in the caprock and the geomechanical response to pressure change in the storage reservoir. This paper describes modeling studies assessing the feasibility of increasing the maximum storage pressure in several underground natural gas storage reservoirs.